mychai's Diaryland Diary


Entry full of my idols.

Oh, my gawd. I felt like a 13 year-old girl at an N'Sync concert. In fact, I was hyperventalating. God, I am such a puss.

The event? I finally met my most favorite author ever, save E.B. White, but I would have to make a journey to the hereafter to see his dead, wrinkled ass.

I met William Trogdon, better known as William Least Heat-Moon, last night at a local brewery. Flat Branch Pub and Resturaunt. If you read River Horse, you may remember this place mentioned in the book. I go there quite often, but this was the first time I saw him there. He is shorter than I thought, but quite a handsome and kind-faced man.

We didn't really talk all that much since he had a group of friends around him, and I probably freaked him out with my heavy breathing and over-anxiousness.

So, I gooed my pants. Everyone is allowed to every now and then.

I went to Lafayette, IN, with Steph -- my current "Wish she was my girl" girl -- and I got to spend some time with Lisa -- my all time idolization of a perfect girl and friend, but she is married now. Both Steph and Lisa have about talked me into moving. I mean, I have no ties here in Columbia. What the hell, right? I could get an English degree at Purdue.

But Lafayette and West Lafayette (same place, you just have to cross the river to get to either one) have a hellabunch of one-way streets. I thought only New Orleanians were dumb enough to have those. When I was at Lisa's wedding, I went down the wrong way and got pulled over by a nice, blonde cop (girl) who told me I was going the wrong way.

"I am just a big moron from Missouri who was just at a wedding that was quite emotional and I have no clue what one-way streets are, even though I come from where they must have originated. I'm sorry."

She probably thought I was a dumbmotherfucker and felt sorry for me.

Turns out people generally die when they go down that street the wrong way. I'm glad I didn't ruin Lisa's wedding that way.

Well, looks like I will be spending more time at Flat Branch. I may ruin even more underwear.

7:59 a.m. - 2001-07-21


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