mychai's Diaryland Diary


JP's wiener is on display!

So? Whatcha think??? You like the new digs? I'm kind of partial to the new layout myself. It was a bit different, but thanks to the folks at Celery Sticks for letting me take as much creative freedom as I wanted. See the journal up there in the pic? It is a moleskine. I have one of these, and they are VERY nice.

Yes, I have more than just my online journal. All in all, I have 4 different journals. I'm a writing freak. Loooove to do it.

You know... Life is just damn good.

Ever have one of those several weeks where everything in life just seemed to go perfectly well?


Well, I have. And it is happening to me right now. Too much stuff to go into detail, really.

But let's just leave it as "me wanting to run down the street in my undies" good.

I will splurge a bit on exactly how good things are going for me.

Today, I decided I would go take a walk on a trail someone told me about. I like taking me some mid-day walks. Nothing but good. I got to see some deer, an old woman carrying what looked to be groceries (which was weird because this trail is out in the middle of nowhere.), a rabbit, and some really great looking ladies running.

Then, I got in my car and headed back home. As a turned my last major corner, lo and behold, I saw a sight that sent thoughts through my head comparable to what a 13-year-old boy thinks when he sees his first naked magazine.

You know... thoughts like, "Gawd... I would sure like to touch THAT!" And, "Damn... I wish I had my camera!" And, "I wonder if she'll let me touch it?!"

If you are totally confused about what it was I saw, GO TAKE A LOOK! Be warned, as this is the kewlest thing you have ever seen in your LIFE!

I told you things are going swell for me!

I cooked for the neighbors tonight. Penne pasta in a marinara sauce, topped with sauteed chicken. It was quite tasty.

And God bless the 5 year old. But every time I cook, she takes one bite and says, "This is yuuuuuuuckeeeeee." Which, in turn, perturbs me. As a chef, I like to have people enjoy what I spend good time and money cooking. But she's five and she can't help it.

And the Mrs. She can't stay away from my pots and pans while I am cheffing away.

"Want me to flip this," she asks, in the process of flipping it.

"No!! Shoo! Skee-daddle. That has to brown quite evenly, and flipping it would ruin the browning process." She gets angry.

"Well, what about stirring that," she asks while turning down the stove. "It's going to burn."

(by the way... all of this is in a THICK Spanish accent which I pretend to understand, but I don't really.)

"No! I have it under control," says I, turning the stove back up. "Now, leave the kitchen. Look... Here's a glass of wine. Go relax."

"But I want to help!"

"Tough. You hired me to cook for you. Now, let ME cook for YOU and go take a siesta."

That, boys and girls, is the extent of my Spanish.


That's a lie. I can say "Where is the milk?"

I can say that in THREE languages! If you weren't taken in by my stunningly good looks, you can now admire my brains.

8:07 p.m. - Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2001


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