mychai's Diaryland Diary


Resolutions are dropping like flies!

I'm sitting in my school's computer lab at the moment, waiting ever so patiently for 5:00 to roll around. That is when the school cafeteria opens.

I figure that the food tastes surprisingly like some fat guy named Bubba came and took a bit shit in a food pan and they covered it with gravy and called it food. Even though it tastes like that, it is a HUGE amount of food and it costs only $4.25.

Which ain't a bad price for all-you-can-eat Bubba shit.

Why am I at school, you ask? I came after this real bitchy chick relieved me at work.

And no... I don't mean "RELIEVED me." I meant that she came and took over my TV-watching post since I had been there for 11 hours. She came in and did her normal bitchy thing and told me to get the hell out of there. I think she insulted my mom and Mr. Acorn (if you get my drift) somewhere in her bitching.

I just learn to turn her off. Heh. Like she's ever been turned ON before. That's probably why she is like she is.

Crap. Where was I? Oh, yeah. School.

I came to register for next quarter's classes. I will be taking not one, but TWO literature courses this next quarter. And this quarter also brings back the tradition of Hell Day, which will once again be on a Tuesday. So, Kourtney -- time to get those Hell Day emails coming again.

This also marks the first time that I will be taking a 400-level course. It is "English-490: Approaches to Interpreting Literature." Sounds hard enough. This is the teacher that, last time I took him, assigned 15 books in an 8-week class. But he's a kewl teacher and I have never gotten below an 'A' in his class. Hopefully I will do the same this quarter.

The other is "English-351: Readings in Shakespeare." It involves a book that I saw at Good Friend Kourtney's house and was jealous of: an anthology of all of Shakespeare's works.

It even has a few porn stories he wrote while on the can. And you thought only I did that.

So, I'm not too excited about spending all of my free time reading. But if you send me your porn stories, I'll paste them into my Shakespeare book. You can then consider yourself published.

Speaking of which...

Remember at New Year's, I set a few resolutions that I was planning on making this year?

One involved losing enough weight to be 175 again. If I had a scale, I would tell you how that is going. I have a sneaking feeling that it isn't going well.

But anyway... Another of my resolutions was to be published, either online or in print.

Well, ladies and gents: It is going to happen! Granted, I am not getting paid, and I think anyone who sends in a story gets published, but it is my first online publication for a site that I don't own.

And it is about a subject that I am very excited about: Hostelling.

That link is to, a website devoted mostly to hostelling, but it also has a lot of travel news and information. Go check it out; it is a great website. If there is a hostel near where you live, take a small weekend vacation and stay there. You are guaranteed to meet people that will change your view of the world.

If you remember, I went to Chicago last summer and stayed for a week. That is where I met Emma, The World's Most Beautiful Girl I Met In Chicago. Emma... oh, Emma.

She had three nipples, ya know. Seriously! Well... one has been removed. Luckily, it was the "extra" nipple. She said it was starting to become a functional nipple when she hit puberty.

If I had two peckers, damned sure I wouldn't be removing it, regardless if it was "functional" or not. Sheesh.

Where was I again? Oh, my story.

I kept a pretty detailed travelogue of my trip and have typed it up. It came out to be 36 pages typed. If anyone wants to read it, email me and I will send it to ya. Free of charge.

Or maybe I should charge. I'm published now.


Well, the cafeteria is now open, and I just got the stranges hankerin' for a big pile of Bubba shit.

I bet... BET it is steamy and lumpy.

Mmmm. Can't wait.

4:32 p.m. - Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002


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