mychai's Diaryland Diary


It hasn't been the happiest day of my life.

Gosh. My stomach is all in knots.

First thing this morning, I got a call from my mom. She never calls during the day since she works with a classroom full of 6-7 year olds and doesn't have time to chat. So, I automatically assume something's wrong.

My sister finally got up enough balls to tell her bum of a husband -- whom, let the record show, I have never liked -- to either get a steady benefits-giving job so they could move out of my mother's house, or leave.

He chose the latter and was out of the house quicker than... than... something really, really quick. My mom wanted me to call and give my sister some words of love and encouragement.

I got this phone call as I was half asleep and somewhat groggy since Air Force Bud Justin and I each had a pitcher of beer the night before. This wasn't the best way to begin a day. What's worse is that I am going home to this in just a few days, and I will undoubtedly have to deal with crying family members and loads of bitching about how terrible the male pursuasion is, neither of which makes me too terribly giddy.

The rest of my day wasn't too bad. I went out to eat lunch with an old friend and came back to Justin's because I didn't have anything else to do all day. He left as soon as I got here to visit his papa, so I lay down on his couch and took a little siesta.

Bartender Tricia called at 5:30-ish because we had set a little date to go to a local state park and do some walking around. I'll tell you more about the state park later because we are talking about my knotting stomach and not the state park.

After the park, we went back to Tricia's and relaxed a little. Bernie Mac and Wanda were on. I'd never seen either show, but I really like them. Wanda cracks my shiznit up. "Fine! I'll go buy your bitch-ass coat!" hehe

Just as I was leaving, my dad called and went over the bills that were coming in. Basically, I am flat broke. Which sucks when you have a whole month of unemployment to suffer through.

I then went out for dessert with the same friend I had lunch with. It was a good dessert: bittersweet chocolate mousse with coffee. I couldn't afford it, but eh.

Then I came home through some pouring rain. Just a wonderful night to feel blue.

Summarizing, here's my day:

  • Got a call saying my no good brother-in-law left my sister and her daughter (with another on the way), and it's my job to be the "keep your chin up" guy.
  • Said goodbye to an older friend.
  • My dad confirmed that I am in the red.

Hence the knotted stomach.

Oh, yeah.

Add on the fact that my recruiter's not going to let me leave from New Orleans. I have to find a way to get some money to rent a car, drive all the way to Missouri, find a place to stay for a week, eat, and pay for the hundreds of other things you have to pay for, all within about 30 days.

Can you tell I am stressing out?

I told him I do not see any way I can possibly come up and ship from here. And that's the truth. If any of you are in the Air Force and know of a way I could possibly do this, please email me and let me know.

I'm also leaving my home for the past five years. It's been a great home. I'm going to miss it.

Ok. That's enough.

I'm leaving first thing tomorrow and am heading into the great Smokey Mountains to visit an old high school friend. I need my sleep.

Sorry this has been such a bummer of an entry.

12:27 a.m. - Thurs., Apr. 24, 2003


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