mychai's Diaryland Diary


Even more Air Force worries

Hi, gang!

I am having fun in Atlanta, though I have found out the hard way that Atlanta hasn't heard of the Internet yet. So, I am having major problems getting to a terminal and writing emails and updating my diary.

Believe me. You all have been on my mind since I left. This whole journaling thing is addictive, and I get all itchy and see purple spiders on the ceiling if I can't update.

Atlanta is great. Spending this time with Nicole is wonderful, as usual. We went to the Coca-Cola museum yesterday and I drank my body weight in Coke products from around the world. Some of it was just nasty. And most of their video presentations haven't been touched since the 1980s. My favorite part of the museum, though, was a real-live Soda Jerk making Coke from scratch (meaning, pumping the syrup into the glass, then spritzing it with soda water). He was witty and humorous.

We also went to a botanical garden today. It was pretty and even somewhat romantic. I saw a vanilla orchid, which was especially interesting to me. I want one!

I got some bad news from home (Columbia) last night that kept me awake last night and has made my mind be elsewhere all day today.

I won't say exactly what happened because I think somebody reads this diary and knows the other person from whom I received the news. Sorry I have to be vague, but until I know I can be the town crier, you'll just have to settle with vagueness.

Don't worry. It doesn't deal with death or anything major like that. But it has put a major worry into my future in the Air Force.

It mostly comes from the fact that I have so much invested in going into the Air Force that, if I were to get discharged for some kind of unforseen medical mishap (either before going in or during boot camp), I am basically really, really, really screwed.

I have over a year of life-long planning into this venture that, if my proverbial legs got swept out from under me, I don't really know how far I would fall. I would eventually pick myself back up, for sure. But in what direction would I go?

I have several career ideas I could do. I could finish my English degree then apply to the law school at Yale. I've been thinking of doing this anyway, Air Force or not. I just haven't told you guys yet. Do you think Yale would accept a 3.75 GPA?

I have also been considering finishing up my English degree and going for training in air traffic control via the FAA. I think I would enjoy that, though I had better go to the doctor and see if he can make me quit falling asleep without warning. Stoplights are starting to become embarrassing.

Or I could go back to broadcasting, which is the least thing I would like to do. But I have quite a resume in that field, and it would be pretty easy to find a job.

It just sucks that I have to start thinking about this possibility.

By the way, this is to the friend I have to be vague about, so don't read it if you aren't that person:

I hope you don't think I -- or anyone -- am disappointed in you. You did your absolute best, and the universe just tosses you a crappy hand every now and then. I'm here for you if you need anything at all.

Well, I need to run. I am in the library, and the snotty librarians are looking at me funny.

One last note, though, before I leave.

There are few things I absolutely despise in this world. One is squash. I think it is the nastiest of all edible things. The other is my Obsessive Psycho Lesbian Ex. For obvious reasons. But I have come to also hate "Exit Only" lanes, because Atlanta is chock full of them.

You would not believe how many times I have inadvertantly gotten off into the worst parts of town just because of one the hundreds of "Exit Only" lanes within the Atlanta roadway system.

Someone should take the highway planner for Atlanta out back and have him unceramoniously shot.

6:52 p.m. - Thurs., May 22, 2003


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