mychai's Diaryland Diary


The clich�d \"I went to Hooters and something unexpected entered my mouth\" entry.

It wasn't a bad week, in retrospect.

You know� relatively speaking.

I forgot to tell you what happened when I went to the doctor's office two weeks ago. The doctor who I saw was a female lieutenant colonel who had her degrees from several top-notched schools. Why she isn't in the private sector making a killing in psychological research and practice, I will never figure out. Maybe I'll ask her next time I go in.

She did a bunch of questionnaire tests asking the extent of hopelessness I feel ("like I have worn out my welcome� everywhere"), how often you cry ("it's been the lullaby of choice"), and how the ol' sex drive is going ("I've been buying 'Martha Stewart Living' magazine.").

On one of the tests, I scored a 28. Twenty-nine is where "Severe" kicks in. Yeah.

Despite the tests, the hour of talking, etc., the doc said that we should wait three weeks before she dispenses drugs. It's a good thing I have a severe aversion to pain. I guess they figure if someone offs themself, the military would save a few bucks on drug costs. This is probably why the doc didn't have a private practice.

I'm coping. I have ten years of experience living with this stuff.

There is a magazine for everything.

One of the magazines we get here is directed towards military weather forecasters. You wouldn't think there would be much of a market. Well, I wouldn't think there would be one, anyway. For all I know, you probably subscribe to it.

There was an article in the latest magazine about an Air Force Master Sergeant stationed at Sembach AFB � yes, the exact same place where I will be going in April � who spends his free time being a weatherman for the military TV station that broadcasts to all of the bases, forts, etc. overseas. Just a few weeks ago, I was asking my instructor what the odds would be for someone like me getting into a job like that. From what I gathered from her, the odds weren't great at best. But she didn't really know for sure.

I got the teacher to email this guy to see if I could have his email address. She did, and included the fact that I have a lot of experience in broadcasting and am very interested/excited about learning what he does. He emailed back and said he is always looking for young airmen to be his backup and would be very interested to speak with me.

Woot! I have been hoping that my experience in the weather field in the Air Force would get me back into broadcasting when I get out, hopefully more in front of the camera. If I can get on-air experience in Germany, and if I can continue doing it when I get back to the States, my chances look darn good that I could make an easy transition back into broadcasting.

Yeah, yeah. I know I went into this whole ordeal thinking I would stay in the military for 20 years. Probably won't happen.

I went to Hooters on Friday night with my classmates.

I ordered oysters and wings with a pitcher of beer. An ideal meal fit for any king, in my humble opinion.

When I was chewing on one of my oysters, I bit down on something hard. I thought it was a piece of shell at first, but when I spit it out, I realized it was a pearl! No kidding! Perfect, round, and mostly white. It had one side that was a darker color. But you know me� I find perfection in the flawed.

I also took part in a race against my classmate. Each of us got a Hooters girl sitting in one of those trays they use to bus tables with, and we had to push her all the way down the restaurant and back.

Now, I'm not the most fit guy in the Air Force. I usually finish my monthly 2-mile run with just a second or two to spare, wheezing and seeing spots as I collapse on the road. Then I go grab breakfast at Waffle House.

But somehow, when this Hooters girl was sitting in that small tray, looking at me and cheering me on, her va-va-vooms inches from my nose, I found the strength to get from one side of that restaurant to the other in record time, beating a guy who works out more than I sleep each week.

But, really� I found a pearl in my oyster! How cool is that?!

Ok. I'm about done.

My mom is taking me out to dinner in an hour. It's an all-you-can-eat Italian buffet at one of the casinos here on the coast. It has a lot of food and is really delish, and it only costs $5. The best part about it? A four-foot tall fountain that spews the best melted chocolate I've ever had. They have strawberries and marshmallows beside the fountain that you can dip.

Oh, and they get pissed if you toss in a penny to make a wish.

Have a good week. I'll try and update more than I did last week.

6:53 p.m. - Monday, Nov. 03, 2003


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