mychai's Diaryland Diary


A survey to know me better!

Four vacations you have taken:
1.) Colorado Ski Trip (2 times)
2.) Chicago (several times)
3.) NE Canada
4.) Milan (yes, I'm gloating)

Four songs you get stuck in your head frequently:
1. This Is The Song That Never Ends!
2. It just goes on and on my friend.
3. Some people started singing it not knowing what it was,
4. And they'll continue singing it forever just because...

Four things you'd like to learn:
1. How to play the piano
2. How to do a backflip off of a diving board.
3. How to speak Japanese.
4. How to draw... well.

Four beverages you drink frequently:
1. Wine (red, white... whatever)
2. Mountain Dew
3. Crown and Coke
4. Sweet Tea

Four tv shows that were on when you were a kid:
1. Dukes of Hazzard
2. The Muppet Show
3. Fantasy Island
4. Dallas

Four places to go in your area:
1. Enlisted club
2. The Wooden Spoon (a kick-ass German restaurant)
3. Work (sad, I know.)
4. This little store that sells the most random things some guy's basement in Sembach village.

Four things to do when you're bored:
1. Surf the net for... umm... entertainment.
2. Watch "Friends" DVDs.
3. Watch German TV. German girls are surprisingly hottt.
4. Go on a bike ride around the countryside.

Four things that never fail to cheer you up:
1. My happy pills.
2. Banana splits with extra chocolate.
3. Sex (as long as we are being honest here...)
4. A really, really good meal.

About 20 years ago...
1. I was in the first grade, wore hightops with jams, and had a spike with a mullet.

About 10 years ago...
1. I was at a boarding school.
2. I was in love with a girl named Alicia. My first heartbreak. Awww.
3. I drove a 1984 Plymouth Lancer.
4. I was still living in Mississippi.

About 5 years ago...
1. I was 21.
2. I was working for my first television station as a production assistant, one of the most creatively satisfying jobs I've ever had.
3. I was just moving in with Mandy the Psycho Lesbian Ex.
4. Was pretty set against joining the military.

About 2 years ago...
1. I was joining the military.
2. I weighed about 215 pounds and was in the process of losing a huge chunk of it.
3. I was probably dating someone, but she obviously didn't really impact my life.
4. Was a master control operator for my second television station. It was boring, but I made enough money to live in a nice apartment all by myself.

About 1 year ago...
1. I was stationed at Keesler AFB, bringing about one of the worst years of my life.
2. I weighed in the 170s. I think I'm back in the mid-190s, though I am afraid to weigh myself.
3. I rued the day I joined the Air Force.
4. A-sexual JP emerged. Cheesecake, please?

1. I'm liking the Air Force.
2. I live in Germany, which is way cool.
3. I drink things like beer and coke, and beer with banana nectar.
4. I am on the lookout for a long-term relationship. Everybody else I know is getting married and is procreating. Except me.

Four things that scare you:
1. Riding passenger in a car.
2. Really long, drawn-out, painful deaths.
3. Roaches. Gawd, how disgusting!
4. Girls I am attracted to.

Seven things that make you laugh:
1. Kosmo Kramer
2. Puns
3. Friends episodes.
4. Watching people slipping and falling. As long as they aren't hurt.
5. Brookey-Brooke. She's a hoot.
6. British humor. They can make a naked guy running around soooo f'n funny!
7. A well-crafted joke. Clean ones are usually the best.

Seven things you love:
1. My family
2. A really good friend.
3. Myself (weird, I know. But I am more comfortable around me than with anybody else.)
4. Fall days, when you come in from the cold and something from the kitchen smells so good.
5. You. (awww)
6. Seeing and experiencing new, unique things.
7. Really cool, neat, comfortable boxershorts.

Seven things you hate:
1. Thieves.
2. Graffiti
3. Real whiney drama queens.
4. When a meal doesn't come out just perfect.
5. Having my armpits tickled. That is the worst feeling ever!
6. People telling me how I should feel.
7. Tighty-whities.

Seven things you don't understand:
1. Women.
2. Sports, or why people like watching sports.
3. How basketball, NASCAR, or wrestling can be interesting.
4. Why people think Paris Hilton is pretty.
5. Why there are seven answers to this question.
6. Why I can't come up with...
7. ... one more.

Seven things on your desk:
1. Computer
2. Microwave
3. CDs
4. Candle holders
5. Uncooked pasta (fun to munch on)
6. A Knick-Knack from Italy
7. My feet.

Right now you are:
1. In dire need to use the potty.
2. In dire need of a beer.
3. In my undies and a tee-shirt.
4. Listening to Mindy Smith (she's good)
5. Bored.
6. Wanting a Hershey's Special Dark candy bar.
7. Feeling pins and needles in my feet.

Seven facts about you:
1. I like short girls with dark, dark brown hair.
2. I am very picky about the music I listen to.
3. My birthday is coming up soon!!! (I'll officially be in my "upper twenties")
4. I am still having that recurring dream about an old friend of mine.
5. I consider myself a better-than-average cook, writer, and back massager.
6. I gain weight in my belly.
7. I like, nay love, Jamie Oliver, the Naked Chef. He is sooooo cool!

Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Visit every continent.
2. Have kids of my own.
3. Marry a British chick. At least once. (har, har)
4. Teach for a couple of years.
5. Run for mayor of my home town.
6. Be a TV weatherman.
7. Get a book published. Preferably one that I wrote.

Top 7 things that turn you on about your sex of choice:
1. Hair
2. Skin
3. Eyes
4. Body type
5. Boobs (yeah, yeah)
6. Smile
7. The way and frequency she laughs.

Top 7 things you say the most:
1. Awwwwwww dammit!
2. Yeah?
3. Ugh!
5. Wanna come over?
6. Have fun!
7. Ayyeeeee likit!

The End!

8:37 p.m. - Friday, Jul. 16, 2004


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