mychai's Diaryland Diary


I'm trying to keep up with the times...

The main reason I haven't updated at my normal updating time over the past week or so: I'm trying to trick my brain into not believing I live in Hawaii and that I still live in the central time zone and that I should go to bed at normal hours according to MY watch and not Camonan Touchmawillie's watch.

He's a nice guy and all, but still...

I went to sleep on Sunday night at about 9:30. Last night, I went to bed at 7:30. The way I'm feeling now, I'll probably do the same tonight.

Yes, I feel like an old, scary man who walks around with his wrinkly, boney finger up his nose: eat dinner at 5, in bed by 7:30. The finger up the nose part... that's just an old habit I'm trying to break.

I just wrote a long bit on why I am feeling groggy. But then I thought, This will only get me in trouble, and I shouldn't really say it.

So, I'm not. But rest assured, it has nothing to do with pot or any other kind of drug.

It's just an ethical issue of which side I choose to sit in the wrong.

Wait... that sentence was very confusing. It is an ethical issue. I am wrong. I choose to be in the wrong.

But now you know that I am groggy. Or maybe you don't.

This has all been just wayyyy too confusing. Why did I even bring it up? Because I loves ya.

May I make a few comments on the Olympics?

I knew you'd say yes.

First off... NBC coverage of the Olympics blows donkey gonads. It must be completely impossible for them to show 1) any *live* Olympic coverage 2) anything that hasn't been overly edited , and 3) anybody BUT the Americans.

I love Americans and all. And I support our effor in the Olympics. But Jesus H! I would also like to see a few Brits, Aussies, and Japanese people trying hard to win gold.

I love seeing people from around the world. How boring is it to see just Americans win things?! Today on the... umm... Today show, they showed America, Germany, and Austria all tied with the number of metals won (6 apiece). They said, "And a few other countries have won a few other metals."

I would love to see some of these smaller-represented countries getting their metals. I bet someone from BFE is a *LOT* more excited about getting a bronze than an American is at getting gold.

I don't know for sure. Just a thought. You know me... I like to blow stuff from my ass.

I already knew this before the Olympics, but the cover of this week's TV Guide about the Olympics have been a catalyst for me to publicly announce something.

I'll do it this way:

What do these people have in common:

  • Michelle Kwan
  • Juju Chang
  • Lisa Hsieh
  • Lucy Liu
  • The chick on ER
  • Two of our reporters at work (I know you don't know who I am talking about, but *I* do!!)

They are women of Asian decent, and I have major hotts for them all. Not *because* they are Asian.

I don't like people just because they are from a certain group or creed or whatever. I'm an equal opportunity kinda guy.

But I think Asian women are just absolutely incrdible. (This next part may be offensive. If you are offended, start your own diary and tell me why.) Especially the ones who seem to be "Americanized." Maybe it's the submissiveness of the girls from the Orient that doesn't much attract me.

Ya know... I like the dominant types. ;)

I've always been attracted to girls' eyes. And I've always been attracted to "different." Maybe that's why I am attracted to Asian girls.

Who knows? Where's Freud when you need him?

Oh yeah. He's dead.

Well, I am off. It's almost my bed time. I also found an old game of mine. It is one of those hand-held games that you buy on the same aisle as board games at Wal-Mart.

It's called "Bass Fishin'."

You cast our you line, reel it in, and hope for a big catch. It's as annoying as a Bob Costas sports commentary. But it is fun as all hell.

My best catch is only 4 lbs.

5:57 p.m. - Tues., Feb. 12, 2002


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