mychai's Diaryland Diary


Unexpected treasure from an unexpected source

Wow. I'm very, very impressed and equally happy with all of you.

I have gotten more emails, guestbook signings, and messageboard entries from my last diary entry than from any other single entry. So what the messageboard entries had nothing to do with what I said yesterday. I am just mentioning it because it seems everyone forgot about it.

I do have some very good news concerning the money I was volunteered to loan.

I spent about two hours mulling through examples of promissary note contracts, taking notes, and finally wrote one myself. I was very impressed with how it turned out. Lots of "hereinafters" and "aforementions." I was not known as "JP" but as "Holder." It was like I was becoming a whole new personality. Maybe even a superhero!

Call me Cold, Faceless, Nameless Boy. Able to bore the socks off of you in a single bound!

But basically, I wrote several conditions on which I would lend the money. First, the roommate would have to remain living here for the duration of the loan. Second, she would have to give me $200 worth of collateral. Third, it would be considered a loan -- not an extension of my lease -- and I would reserve the right to charge interest.

The roommate got home last night and read the contract. "You want COLLATERAL?" She asked with a tone that implied, "What are you, an f'n moron? It's just $200. Get over it."

I just said, "Yep," in a tone that implied, "I could care less about you or your problems. I just care about my $200 coming back to me." You can imply a lot with just one, three-letter word.

So, today, I wake up and she is suddenly $200 richer. From some other source besides me. I don't know where the money came from. I don't care.

Just as long as it didn't come from me.

It's amazing how 20% interest compounded biweekly will change someone's mind.

Just call me JP "Gotti" Brown.

Speaking of mobsters...

Looks like Ohio Rep. James Traficant will now officially work for food. Despite popular belief, I guess you can't be both a racketeer and a politician. I personally think they are all one in the same.

Good lord, don't put him and Martha Stewart in the same cell. I wouldn't know who to feel sorry for.

I made beignets tonight. I keep forgetting that you have to fry them in a lot of oil or else they won't puff up right. You end up eating beignet wafers.

And my so-called "friends" think they are just funny shaped funnel cakes. What kind of friends are those, eh? You'd think I would have better sense.

I also opened up a book I bought at a local used book store for, like, the second time since I bought it three months ago. It isn't a cover-to-cover book, but it is a book you kind of open randomly and read a page every now and then.

Called, "Everyday Tao," it lists different aspects of life and explains it according to the philosophy of the Tao.

Travel, for instance, reads, "Whatever you want to know of life you can learn by traveling." I'm not an Asian philosophist in the least sense, but it has some really interesting things to think on.

But what struck me was I found a piece of paper in the book. I am assuming it was left by the previous owner. This list alone was worth the $5 I paid for the book. I couldn't have been happier if I would have found a gold coin.

The paper read:

Hello Hello
It is very good
To be important
And to be kissed
On the forehead
While doing it.

Things like this are my proof that God exists.

1:39 p.m. - Thurs., July 25, 2002


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