mychai's Diaryland Diary


Breaking the Law, and Other Ways to Find an Escape

Check back this weekend for another update from our boy JP at BMT. I just got a letter chock full of basic training fun. I'll probably post it Saturday.


Dear Mike,

Well, if you want something bad enough, you can find a way to do it.

I met a guy who it turns out I will be able to meet up with on a semi-regular basis. He is in his fourth week here at BMT. After talking to him for a while and sizing him up, I did some negotiating. He is going to smuggle my mail out of here until I will be able to do it for myself.

Kinda cool, huh? I feel like Tony Soprano!

The details of the deal are hush-hush. Not really. I sneak him mail, and he sends it whenever he can. But I like to say they are hush-hush because that makes me feel more like Tony Soprano, and I'll take any form of escapism I can get at this moment.

I'm at the end of my second week. I have my good days, and I have my bad days. Sometimes it feels like I don't have anything left in me to go on. I won't lie. This is harder than anything I have ever done.

The worst thing is the complete loss of freedom. We have no personal control over any aspect of our lives. For a self-described vagabond, this place puts a terrible strain on my psyche.

Now that the first two-and-a-half weeks are over, things are starting to get better. We have days where we don't do all that much. Just the other day, for instance, I was assigned the detail of working on the "Confidence Course" (obstacle course). It was a group of guys from my flight. We basically worked for two hours sweeping up stuff. The rest of the day was spent eating from the snack bar (lots and lots of soda, candy and chips), eating MREs (which are really quite tasty), and just laying in the sun.

That was a day that I felt good about being at BMT. It felt good to relax for a while, eat junk food, and put my guard down for just a little while.

For old times sake, I tried to find ships and lovers in the clouds floating by. I didn't see a bunny rabbit, but I could swear I saw a big, white, fluffy boob.


  • beef stew (with a heater pack to make it steamy hot)
    crackers with jalapeno cheese spread
    strawberry milkshake mix (tasted like warm, melted yogurt)
    M&M cookies
    grape drink mix

The third week is coming up. We hear it mostly consists of classes. I find it very hard to stay awake in class. But I don't dare fall asleep.

I've only gotten into trouble twice. Once when I wasn't thinking and scratched my nose when at attention. The other was when I set some clothes aside in my wall locker and got caught. That is supposedly a no-no.

For some reason, my two big toes have gone numb. I may go to the doctor if feeling doesn't resume soon. I clipped my toenails last night but accidentally clipped too far in because I couldn't feel where to stop. That was a bit strange.

Well, I should probably end this letter since I am breaking mega-rules by writing it in the first place.

I received some letters from Diaryland folk, but I haven't been allowed to read them yet. The only letter I snuck a peek at was one from my mom. It made me cry, so I didn't read any more yet.

But PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send me mail. You have no idea how good it feels to have your name called during mail call. If anything, send me some Uncle Bob. (Editor's note: Nevermind. Another Diarylander has been (and will continue) sending JP copies of Uncle Bob's diary since he left for BMT. So, there's no need to mail them as they would just be repeats.)

Thanks for thinking about me if you are. I can't wait to get back to writing every day again. I never realized the extent of a release writing was until writing was taken away for a while.

Anyway, I don't know when my smuggler guy will be able to do a mail run again for me. So until next time...



11:28 p.m. - Monday, Jun. 23, 2003


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