mychai's Diaryland Diary


I know what an Altocumulus Standing Lenticular cloud looks like and you don't!

Things are getting slightly easier around here at technical school.

I'm not saying that I love this place. I would pay good money to go back to living in my nice cozy apartment back in Missouri. All alone. With cable TV and internet access that I could readily... umm... access.

Oh. And I wish I had money. My rank is abbreviated as "A1C", which means Airman First Class. People around here claim it means "Airmen with 1 Cent." And believe it. Nobody ever joined the military to make a killing.

Har, har. Get it?

So, anyway. I'm broke, I've got a roommate (more on that later), and I still have very little freedom. But things are improving, albeit slowly.

Class started this week. I must say that I am absolutely loving my meteorology classes. We have gone through eight chapters since Monday of basic meteorology already, and it is just Wednesday. Our teacher is an "AG1" in the Navy.

Don't worry. I have no clue what that means, either.

He is really funny, a really great teacher, and really energetic. He gives us really rediculous ways to remember the things that he is teaching us, but that is OK since we tend to remember the rediculous more than the not-so-rediculous.

For instance, we sing "It's Raining Men" to remember the warm-core high pressure system chimney effect. Dancing and all.

Kinda makes you wonder about them thar Navy guys, don't it?

My roommate isn't bad, but he is one of those gung-ho military types. He says "Tench-Hut!" a lot. Too much. He spends all of his free time polishing his boots and ironing his clothes. I polish some boots and iron some clothes, but I don't spend all of my time doing that. Sheesh.

But he doesn't stink. He doesn't leave things laying around to attract masses of fruitflies. He doesn't smoke enough weed to kill a medium-sized elephant, and he doesn't ride a motorcycle to risk becoming a lesbian.

I think all of my bad roommate bases have been covered. He is relatively quiet, and he keeps things tidy. That's all I need.

The food's not as good as BMT, but I covered that. I have myself set on the JP Lean Fast Diet. I eat cereal in the morning (at four-fricken-thirty a.m.), salad at lunch, and then a reasonably crappy dinner. They'll make commercials about me one day.

To sum things up, I am getting into the swing of things. I'm no longer considering the advantages of going AWOL. At least not all of the time. The best part about this place is school. The really neat thing is that I will leave this place with 59 college hours toward a BS. Which is definitely cool. Add that with a BA in English and I figure I can find some kind of job where I can save more than 1 cent.


Still working on the email situation.

I sent Andrew an email (via the Diaryland help form) saying that I would get the military involved if I didn't get my email back up and running. I'm sure he is quaking in his boots. Hopefully it will be fixed soon and I can check what kinds of loverly messages people have been sending me.

I am also considering going to the doctor to see if I could have a sleeping disorder. The older I get, the more I think I may.

I've had people tell me that I quit breathing when I sleep. They say I take a deep breath in, hold it, and keep it held for quite a long time. I don't snore or anything. I just hold my breath.

If this is the case, it would explain why I am exhausted all of the time. I go to bed really early -- usually between 8 or 9 o'clock. Yet all day, every day, I feel like I am dragging behind everyone.

It would also explain why I have the ability to go to sleep anywhere at any time. Ask any of my friends. They'll tell ya.

I dunno. I'd have to miss class to go for a doctor's visit, and at the rate we are going, I would miss way too much. We'll see.

Well, that's a good long entry for today. I have very little time to make it to the computer lab. You are all on my mind, I just have a hard time getting in here to update. Then it costs 10 cents a minute to do it. When you have very little cash, then it gets hard to do even that.

But enough for excuses. I'll email when I can. I'll write when I can.

Until then...

5:06 p.m. - Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003


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