mychai's Diaryland Diary


Back from Nuremberg, but I need a bath...

Hey guys!

I got back from Nuremburg yesterday (of course you know, the real name is N�rnberg but I don't like to keep doing all of the special keys required to write the "�". So... for the sake of this diary, we will Americanize the name...), and I am happy to report that I had a great time.

I took a lot of pictures, but I will have to post them tomorrow since I didn't burn them on CD so I could upload them from work.

We didn't go to the Nazi grounds as I had hoped we would. We met another American at the hostel and he convinced us to spend a day within the city walls and go to the central castle.

It was a neat castle, very pretty and ornate, though most of it was destroyed in WWII. The city took great measures to reconstruct the town the way it was before the bombings, so it looked as good as new? Nah. It was built in the 11th century.

You could still see "dents" from the bombs, though. I thought it was neat to see scars from the past on the old buildings until I saw pictures of what the town looked like right after the war, when the population went from a half million down to less than 100,000.

It changed me a little bit to see those pictures. Seriously.

A little bit of German reasoning for ya:

Vee haf beer! Beer ist guuut! Trink da beer! Mmmm! Now'a, vut do vee haf here? Ya, vee have Coke! I luuuuf da Coke! Zoe sveet and yum! I vunder vut my Coke would taste like in da beer? I shall try it, ya?

They call it Diesel around here. I had it with my dinner of brats and kraut.

Yes. Beer and Coke. If I'm lyin', I'm dyin'.

I know what you are asking yourselves. And yes, it is good. It's not as sweet as Coke, but not as -- what is a good word? -- overpowering as a beer.

I personally liked it a little better than the banana nectar and beer, though if offered both I'd drink them.

Beer in a bar: 1.30�.

Water in a bar: 3�.

Looks like I'm ordering a beer.

The red light district, as advertised, was one block over from the hostel. Now, you might think that this means that the hostel was in a bad neighborhood. In fact, the hostel was in one of the better neighborhoods, as was the red light district.

When brothels are legal and controlled by the government, they end up being much cleaner than the prostitutes that hang around on street corners.

Yes, I went down in the district. Who wouldn't out of curiosity? And for the sake of this here diary -- I swear to you, just for informational purposes -- I went to one of the prostitutes hanging out of her window wearing nothing but a bra and panties and asked her in German, "How much do you cost?"

I felt dirty just asking her.

"What do you want?" she asked me, which surprised me. I was just expecting her to spout off a price. I didn't know what I wanted. Wait, no. Strike that. I knew what I wanted. I wanted a price and then to run away and write my mom to tell her how much I loved her.

"What do you offer?" Jeez. What do you think she offers, numbnut?

She laughed. "Well, do you want blowjob or sex?"

Let's go all the way. "How much for sex?"

"Fifty Euro for sex. Thirty Euro for blowjob. I show you my tits for twenty."

I got my information, politely excused myself to "go to the ATM for some cash," then went back to the hostel for a shower.

I never knew sex could be so disgusting and... and...

File this under potentially too much info, but since boot camp (yes, a year ago) I haven't had much of an appetite for, you know, that. Given an choice between sex and cheesecake, I'll have to go with the cheesecake.

I liken the brothels to going to McDonalds when all you really want is a large glass of ice tea. A Big Mac is nice, but I'm not really hungry and a tall glass of ice tea would just be delicious. The brothels were the Big Mac.

I have no clue what the ice tea was. Frankly, I forget where I was going with the tea.

But they were so completely undesirable to me to a point where it was almost sickening. I felt bad for the women. I felt bad for the men walking around who were there to fill some kind of void. It was all a little sad.

On that note, I am going to sign off. Like I said, look here tomorrow for some pictures. I got some neat ones of the castle and of me in the walkplatz.

Until then...


1:45 p.m. - Monday, May. 10, 2004


Too old to feel this damn young...

I'm 26 years old. Twenty-friggin-six.

I went to the dentist yesterday for my cleaning, and guess what they found.


A cavity.

My first one in probably twenty years.

Needless to say, I didn't get a sucker when I left. I got the "you must brush and floss every day" lecture by a captain.

And I have an appointment for next Wednesday to get a filling.


7:22 a.m. - Friday, May. 07, 2004


Be a Nazi for the day!

Last weekend was Switzerland and Italy.

This weekend, Levi and I are packing our bicycles on the Bahn and taking the two-hour train trip to lovely Nuremberg, Germany.

What's that? Don't know anything about Nuremberg?

It is a university town. It has one of the largest walkplatz (outdoor shopping districts) in all of Germany. There are tons of museums.

And did I mention it was the main stomping grounds of the Nazis back in the day? They have the largest outdoor Nazi museum in the world -- as if that is something you should advertise -- where you can sit and eat a picnic lunch right where Hitler inspired thousands of Germans to kill millions of Jews.

We are staying at a hostel called the Lette'm Sleep Nuremberg Hostel. You can go read reviews about the hostel here. My favorite review:

Rooms are big, bathrooms clean, and the brothels of Nuremberg are just down the street. And it's pretty cheap!

Were the brothels cheap or was the hostel? Guess I'll find out, huh?

I also am planning on touring the university. I would really like to check out their library and, if possible, their humanities department. We'll see how that goes, though.

I am about done with work for today. Tomorrow is our last full day of the week. Some golf tournament is going on, so we get half of the day off on Friday, which is great.

I am cooking rabbit gumbo tonight for Brooke, myself, and whoever wants to come by. I've never made rabbit gumbo before. I expect it to be pretty darn tasty.


2:26 p.m. - Wednesday, May. 05, 2004


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