mychai's Diaryland Diary


Call Morris Bart, 'cause He's on Your Side!

Happy Monday Tuesday to everyone! I wasn't sure and had to look. It seems like I barely work anymore, so I lose track of the days.

I am kinda working today. I issued one lightening watch. That's about it. I am leaving in just a couple of minutes because I have an appointment with a lawyer to talk about the Roach situation.

It sucks that it has come down to getting lawyers involved and doing adult, court-related things.

I am thinking of pursuing two different scenarios. The first one is the offensive scenario: I will petition the court for full custody of the baby under the argument that she has a parental abduction risk based on her previous behavior. I seriously doubt it would be a successful run, but it would at least make her worry, which is really what I want. I want her to take a long, hard look at her behavior over the past four or five months and wish she may have done one or two things differently.

My second course of action I may opt to take I call the "Long Term Scenario": I insist my name be on the birth certificate and all previous birth certificates be destroyed if they have "his" name on them. I will then let her sign away any right to my money or other support unless she gives me fully equal rights. This will prevent her from suing me for past child support in the future if she and her little man don't work out. This course of action will also make the kid ask a lot of hard questions when s/he gets old enough to understand that the name on the birth certificate isn't that of the one s/he has been told is his/her real father all of these years.

And when s/he finds me, I will be able to show all of the paperwork Roach has filed on me to keep me away from her and how hard I tried to be in the child's life.

I'm also going to the on-base lawyer. Since we are a small base, we only have one lawyer. This means when Roach needs to talk to a lawyer, she'll have to go all the way to Ramstein every time she needs to chat. That's a 30-minute ride back and forth.

Ethics rules... umm... rules!

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving. I stuffed myself silly, and am currently signing up to Weight Watchers.

I want to lose 20lbs before I go Stateside in March. I gotsta look good for the folks. As my Granny puts it... I'm starting to look a little bit round.

I'll be the first person in history to actually lose weight over the holidays.

Ok. That's the update for today. I'll write tomorrow to tell you what the lawyer said.

(By the way... the title to this entry alludes to one of those slimy, sleazy ambulance chasing lawyers that used to play on every damn commercial break on New Orleans TV. He's well-known in those parts for getting you $800,000 for a fender bender and a stiff neck. And people wonder why insurance is so high...)

12:09 p.m. - Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004


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