mychai's Diaryland Diary


Day #3: Toronto, and boy is it cold!

Nicole and I just spent five minutes trying to remember the day and date.

Yes sir. Time eludes you when you are on the road. Days seem to pass aimlessly without much notice. And this was our first full day as travel companions. I worry that we will lose track of time and end up missing the train back to America. I'll have to learn French. Oi vey.

We're having quite a good time. It's interesting getting to know someone you have only read about via Diaryland. The first few hours were a little awkward, but that certainly faded with every hour.

We ended up buying an all-day pass on Toronto's transit system and spent three hours riding up and down King Street. We rode through many of Toronto's ethnic neighborhoods -- Chinese, Ukranian, Canadian -- and also rode along what I called "Restaurant Row." Nicole seemed to be embarrassed by how excited I was with all of the different places to stuff my face. I'm a foodie at heart. What can you do?

The street cars aren't heated, so I pointed out a pub that I wouldn't mind eating at just to get out of the cold, rainy, miserable weather Toronto greeted us with. It was called "The Toad in the Hole." How often can you say that you've eaten in a place with a name like that?

We both ordered the special of the day -- Chicken Pot Pie, steamed veggies, and mashed potatoes. It was a nice hearty meal, and I finished it with a mug of fresh hot coffee. If you've never had a house-made chicken pot pie, I suggest either going somewhere that makes them or get in the kitchen and make them yourself.

We also discussed what all we would like to see in Toronto. She told me about an email she got from a friend that basically said, "You should check out this one place... I can't remember what it was called, but it was really kewl, though I can't remember what all we did. Oh, and check out the walk/don't walk signs. They're funny."

So far, we have decided to go to the science museum for a day. They have some sort of candy making exhibit as well as a ton of hands-on things that will keep us occupied all day long. There is also a lot of theatre (that's how they spell it up here) choices that are what they call "PWYC," or pay-what-you-can to us lay people.

We're going to go see a play about hearts and heart transplants. Seriously. It's called "The Domino Heart." It looks heartwarming.

Har-de-har har.

If you know Toronto quite well, or actually live here, send me an email or sign my guestbook with your suggestions.

You are wondering about my first impressions of Nicole?

She's short!

Yeah, yeah, I knew she was short coming into this ordeal. I just thought it would be funny pointing out the obvious. Did it work? Was I funny?

For those of you who don't know, she's three-foot-eight. Or 1.12 meters to all of my Canadian homies.

So, it basically boils down to the fact that all is going well in JP-Land. We didn't instantly hate each other as some of you had hoped.

You are all a bunch of masochists. Each and every one of you.

I think we will get along quite well. I just have to learn not to walk as fast as I am used to walking. I look down and, to my surprise, she is not there. So, I look behind me and she is about 100 yards away. So, I stop and wait. Then repeat the whole process over again.

I'm glad we are more than getting along. That would have made the next few weeks pretty unpleasant.

I'm going to call it a night. I am on one of those internet kiosks that you pay for time. My time is quickly ticking out, and other people are wanting to use this. I don't want to cause an international incident over an internet kiosk.

Oh. Thanks for all of you who sent messages to my cell phone. Believe you me, it was such a great thing to get while riding on the train.

Unfortunately, I can't get messages while I am in Canada. So, instead of sending messages to my phone, you can email me instead. The link is up there in the blue.

I can't promise I will respond. But I will do my best. But believe me, all of the messages are fantastic. I wrote down every one into my logbook that arrived over my phone.

Thanks for reading, bla bla bla. More news from Canada tomorrow.

11:18 - Thurs., Mar. 20, 2003


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