mychai's Diaryland Diary


Making out with toothless, old skanks. (or JP leaves Picayune behind.)

It's my last night in Picayune. And I tell you, I am feeling a little down. I don't know why, really, because I don't much like staying here. There's more things to do in Santa's butt crack than there is to do in Picayune, Mississippi.

Maybe its misplaced blues. I kind of got frustrated at the end with wanting to spend equal time with both of the folks. Mom knows just how to make you feel totally guily about anything and everything. Put on top of that the self-inflicted guilt of wanting to make both parent feel equally loved. It's a shit load of travelling around town to see both parent for the same length of time.

And then I got a little teed while travelling all over god's green earth to visit old high school friends. Not too increadibly teed, mind you, but teed enough to make a mental note about it.

I love my old friends. The ones I actually make an effort to see are well worth the time to go see them. These are generally the people who actually took time to know me and delve a little deeper than, "Damn, JP, you have one fucked up way of looking at things." These are the people who actually brewed up the mental capacity to say, "Why?" and actually be interested in my answer.

These are real sweet cats.

Anyway, so I travel over 1,000 miles to see the family. But no one comes to see me. I mean, I can understand it when I live way the hell up in Missouri. But when I am across town, and no one makes the effort.

Kinda hurts.

But, like I said, I love these people and I don't mind travelling an extra 60 miles to see them.

Speaking of seeing friends...

Ever meet someone that you instantly clicked with, that asked you "why?" before they knew it made you feel good, and that made you just feel all important and worthy and stuff?

I met Kourtney several years ago... maybe five or six years ago. But we have only seen each other very sporadically since we met. We met at a party at my house that I didn't know I was having (tons of people just showed up out of the blue). She was one of them.

We ended up spending the whole evening together that night, talking, sharing creative thoughts, and exploring each other's.... psyche.

Really. Nothing nasty happened that night. No "wild thing." No "horizontal tango."

Not even any spanking the coconut-cream porcelain kishka!

But last night was the first night that we spent talking, joking, and laughing since that night. It was a lot of fun. She actually thinks I am cool, smart, and sexy.

And believe me. I'm not. But don't tell her, as I have her fooled! Brew-hahahaha!

We stayed up till... gawd... 3am. We fell asleep in each others' arms. I had more fun than a romp through Santa's ass.

So, I wake up at 11:00am. Got in my mom's car. Decided I would take the scenic blue highway home. Transmission decided it was no longer happy with our living arangements and moved away.

Way down the side of a steep embankment.

So my lazy, fat, sweaty ass had to do some serious walking because there ain't many towns along blue highway Mississippi. I finally get to a grocery store in a double-wide (no lie!) and had to pay the old wrinkly bitch inside fifty cents to use her phone. While I was dialing, she wanted to tell me about her cousins, parents (or maybe she was saying "My Cousin Parents") and siblings (or maybe she was saying... ugh. nevermind.) that sing in a gospel band but she can't sing so they are constantly telling her to shut the fuck up.

"Would you please shut the fuck up?!" I politely asked as I was trying to tell my step-mom where I was so she could come pick my exhausted ass up.

One hour -- and one old, saggy tit show later -- my step-mom arrived to take me home. Gawd, I had never been so happy to leave a grocery store in my whole life.

So, it was a crappy end to a wonderful evening. I'm lucky to have at least one person who thinks I'm cool.

I bet you have none.

Na na ni boo boo.

12:09 a.m. - 2001-08-10


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