mychai's Diaryland Diary


What JP does on days when nothing happens.

Eleven hours at a television station is WAY to fuggin long. And I have to do it twice a week. I am sooo tired of broadcasting. I have been doing it for seven years now. It is old. There is no fun in it.

And I am SICK of "Passions." Stupid goddamn soap opera. Timmy and Tabitha, just go somewhere and screw each other silly. Get it over with, for chrissakes.

So, I am two and counting. Two times already this week I have been totally stood up. First time was Saturday when a friend was supposed to come over and we were going to go have lunch. Didn't happen. She said she called and the answering machine wasn't working, which is totally possible. My answering machine sucks major ass.

Then -- and sadly to say -- Potential Roommate Chick didn't show. And I spent all afternoon with my hand in the toilet making sure it was clean.

Then I cooked. I guess I should have washed my hands sometime in between.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch with the phone by my ear. My Pampered Chef buddy -- the Black Girl called sometime, but I have NO CLUE what we talked about. And I bet we talked for a good 15-20 minutes. I remember her calling, but I don't have a clue what we talked about.

Then another good friend -- who reads this here diary -- called and invited me over for cookies. Who can turn that down? I was hungry so I went to McDonald's and got their new "Sourdough Super Burger" or some shit like that. Has a lot of onions and stuff...

Tastes like complete ass. Don't waste your money.

So, this entry is increadibly boring. Things should pick up soon as I start school next Monday.

12:55 a.m. - 2001-08-14


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