mychai's Diaryland Diary


JP Convention 2001!!!

Yesterday was pretty eventful for me. Which is good because I totally had to rectify the complete worthlessness I was on Friday. For example, I got dressed yesterday. Which is good, because I had to go to work yesterday. And people usually don't talk to me at all when I go to work naked.

After work, I met up with two new buddies. One girl lives here in town, the other one is from St. Louis. I must admit... had it not been for them I probably woulda vegged out again. So, I am glad we all went out.

We started out going to the mall because I had to put a check in the bank. Local Chick (I know their names. Really! I do!) wanted to do some shoppin' while I was attending to my banking needs.

Man, oh man, can Local Chick do some serious shopping. Me, I'm not a huge fan of shopping. I like to go buy a new shirt or a pair of pants every now and then. But I usually do my shoppint to the tune of the normal guy creed of, "Get in. Buy it. Get out." Homie chick loved to dick around, looking and touching every damned thing in the store.

It's ok, because she's kewl and all. That and she drug me into Victoria's Secret and I got to do me some smellin'. Girls' stores always smell soooo nice. It's the reason I want a female roommate, so my house will smell like Victoria's Secret.

St. Louis Chick (SLC) was like me -- not much into shopping. But we stuck around Local Chick because we were glad that we weren't at home sitting in our underwear. At least I was, anyway. But that was a lot of fun. I haven't gone shoppin' in a while.

Local Chick has a convertable. Nothing makes you look feel as kewl as riding in a convertable. I was feeling so kewl, in fact, that I started sucking on a blue Blow Pop. Nothing says "Kewl JP" like riding in a convertable and having a bright blue mouth. The chicks dig me.

SLC and I went to Rockbridge State Park. This is one of my most favorite places to go here in Columbia. They have a walking trail -- with a LOT of stairs, mind you -- that takes you under, well, a rock bridge. It also takes you to a place called Devil's Ice Box. It's a sink hole that opens up to a cave system. It's 68 degrees year round down at the bottom of the sink hole. So, you can feel the temperature levels as you walk down the stairs into the sink hole.

After all of that walking, my fat, lazy ass was completely worn out. That's the most exercise I have gotten since... Well, it was a lot of exercise. I 'bout died.

SLC, Local Chick and I went to the Pasta House after that. We talked about sex the whole meal. Afterward, I sucked on an Italian Stalion.

(it was a drink)

I was pretty worn out after that. So, I took the girls to get some alcohol and I went home. It was a lot of fun. I hope I continue to keep them as my friends.

I'm at work right now. I'm writing this as a kind of prep so I can write my poetry homework a lot better. Yep, yall get my crappy writing. You get the morning sludge that settled on my brain. Tough shit. If I had won the $290M, you wouldn't have had to worry about that.

Work's starting to get pretty busy because of a few things. First off, we are having the Jerry Lewis / Muscular Dystrophy Association telethon coming up in a week. That takes a lot of prepping. And I am sooo not looking forward to it.

Don't get me wrong. I had a real good buddy die from MD. I knew him my whole life, up to when he died. But can't they get money somewhere besides where I work? Everyone else does. Why must I sit through little kids singing and dancing for 40 hours a week?

Well, it won't be the whole 40 hours, but it will feel like it.

The other thing that's keeping us busy is that out TV station is changing their image. It's our feeble attempt to get better ratings when sweeps periods come around. Close to 1,000 promos, sponsored spots, and any other commercial with our logo on it is going to be changed. All of our graphics are being changed. Stationary, shirts, hats, signs, ad nausium, all are being changed. They are changing them from NBC-8 to -- and hold on to your seats, ladies and gentlemen... From NBC-8 to...


Hundreds of work hours, tons of work, a LOT of frustration, all for that one little change. Supposedly we'll get like .2 more market share because of that change. That ain't much at all. I think They just ran out of things to do, so They thought this would be a good project.


I know the secret to making kids abstinent from sex. New, to American family-oriented stores nationwide, is the Madonna Condom! That's right. It's a condom that's emblazoned with late-1970s nude pictures of Madonna.

See, I think Madonna is one nasty skank-ho. Nothing would make me lose any amount of energy while making out quicker than unwrapping a new condom and seeing Madonna's naked ass shining back at me. I would have to go throw up, and then any arousal would be lost.

Because, guys, girls don't get any kind of jiggy with a guy who just puked.

Well, that's about it. I don't think there is anything else that is going on. I've been craving me a steak. And my underwear has a whole right in front. I don't think those two things are related. It'd freak me out if they were.

8:17 a.m. - Sunday, Aug. 26, 2001


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