mychai's Diaryland Diary


I'm still here. Just not as here as I used to be.

Hey kids!

I am still alive and kicking. I am in the middle of a relaxing four-day weekend, thanks due to The Man (The Big, Black Man).

I arrived in Picayune yesterday to news that my youngest niece is in the hospital with RSV. She was close to developing pneumonia, but I think they caught it just in time.

They -- the doctors, in this instance -- had her in a plastic "tent"-like contraption on the bed, and they had hydrated O2 being pumped into the tent. By the time I arrived, my sister was past restless in the small hospital room, so I gave her a few bucks and told her to go get a drink and a cigarette.

Though it was probably the cigs that aggrivated the RSV in the first place, but we won't go there.

While the sis was gone, I crawled into the bed-tent with the youngin' (this is the younger one: Teryn) and held her on my chest. The humidity and pure oxygen felt good even to me. Breathing felt easier and more fulfilling. It was quite relaxing.

So, there was this Hero, laying in a hospital bed with plastic draped over me and a baby sleeping on my chest.

And that was my Friday evening.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm sorry to say, but the effort hasn't really been worth it lately.

I hate to ask for your patience, but I promise things will be much better once I leave Keesler (in about a month and a half) and head towards Germany. I really want to redesign the site and get it back up to speed. Before you know it, things will be back to how it used to be.

How is school going, you ask?

Well, school itself is moving along at a steady pace. We just got out of Element III, and we are now in Element IV, out of four. The light at the end of this tunnel has come into view, and I cannot wait to get this over with.

I, personally, am doing a little better. I am on a different medication for the depression, and it is working much better than the last stuff. The Wellbutrin about caused me a lot of trouble, and I am glad to be off of it. This stuff makes me feel much more naturally happy and it has helped make Keesler and the Air Force a much more tolerable place. It is the next generation of the medicine I took for over two years.

I am also getting very excited about my move overseas. I have been wanting to go to Germany since I took my first year of German at the Mississippi School for Math and Science. My classmates keep joking that I will come back married to a big German girl named Helga with hairy armpits and a taste for saurkraut-flavored beer.

God... If I could be so lucky.

Other than that, school/work (whatever you call it) is about the same. I have been there long enough to have seniority over 90% of the other students, so it has become easier to buy my way out of a lot more stuff. I never do PC anymore, which is starting to show in my waistline.

Christmas break was a good one. I spent the first out of two weeks off at my mom and dad's house just bumming around. I went to Panama City for a few days to see my grandfather and step-grandmother.

I can't stand her, by the way. I've never before met someone who was so inclined to make me comfortable that she actually succeeded in making me completely uncomfortable.

While I was in Panama City, I found out the money the Air Force was going to pay me in January to move my stuff from Missouri to here was actually paid to me a lot sooner, so I made a three-day trek to Columbia to get my junk out of storage.

It was a great trip. I met up with two college friends and spent New Year's eve with them watching football and playing Ping-Pong.

We mid-20's people sure know how to ring in the New Year.

The next night I spent with Angela the Hugger -- you know, the girl who wraps her arms around anything with DNA -- and Ti�a, and together we drank almost a whole bottle of Crown Royale.

Crown and Coke. My newest love.

And when I say, "together, we drank...", I meant Ti�a and me. Angela was the driver.

The next day, I loaded up the truck and came back home. In three days, I drove 1,600 miles.

It made me realize just how much I missed Columbia and the people there. I want to move back one day. Raise my family there.

Ok. That's enough for now. I need to go take some suppositories to the hospital for my sister. Well... for her baby.

Where is her husband? Good question. F'n dirtbag loser.

3:35 p.m. - Saturday, Jan. 17, 2004


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