mychai's Diaryland Diary


Listen up, boy...

A quick note to remind you that it is good to have a good relationship with the lieutenant who does the work schedule...

The current commander of the United States Air Force in Europe got here about a year ago and implimented a whole series of programs called "Combat" programs, although none of them have anything at all to do with combat. It just sounds all military if you put the word "combat" in front of anything.

Combat JP. Combat Barney the Purple Dinosaur. Combat Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.


Some of the programs are "Combat Education" which makes getting enrolled and having everything set to take classes much easier so more people are able and willing to go to school. Great program. It really has made it easy.

Another program is "Combat Nighthawk" which, for the life of me, I still haven't figured out. I think it has something to do with living conditions in the dorms. You see brass coming around at night to see what we are doing and to talk to us like we are old friends.

But one program is called "Combat Proud." It's the most dreaded and hated of the combat programs. It's where you get off of work for six days -- which is good -- but you have to ride around base and paint, pull weeds, pick up trash, and do other bitch work for those six days -- which is baaaad.

So, I had my six day shift around the middle of September scheduled. I dreaded it the second I looked at my schedule. JP was not a happy Airman.

Then tonight, my LT came in and started working on the new schedule.

And this is where it gets good.

He said, "So, you know Roach is coming to this flight, right?" I said yes. "Do you want to train her? Har, har har!" I said no.

Then the lightbulb went off.

"But," I said, "I have a Combat Proud week scheduled that I don't really want to do. How about doing me a favor?"

A little tweaking here and there, and now JP is a happy Airman once again. The LT knows the whole story and he didn't seem too upset about giving that week to her.

He did give me a week of Bay Orderly, which means I have to clean up around the dorms for a week. But, last time I did that, I was done every day by 8:30am and slept the rest of the day. It was like a mini vacation. I loved it!

So, yeah. Kiss ass with the schedule maker.

That's my public service announcement for the month of August.

3:30 a.m. - Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2004


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