mychai's Diaryland Diary


A letter to Picayune alumni who are dropping in for a visit.

Hello fellow Picayune Memorial High alumni! You have just stumbled into the world of Jon-Paul. You always thought I lived in my own little world? Well, now you have proof. This here's my diary. Yes, I am a 24 y/o guy who has a diary. So sue me. But at least you get to see what it is I am up to -- and have been up to -- now that I live nowhere near Picayune. I'll tell you this: I don't cheer for no fightin' Okra, that's for DAMNED sure. But I keep an online diary. I'm not sure if it is a step up or a step down from the whole Okra bit. No need to comment either way.

So, where am I now, you ask? I am in Columbia, Missouri, that's where. I am an English major in college (full time). I work full time as a broadcast engineer for NBC-affiliate KOMU TV-8. I am also a personal chef part time and write freelance anytime I can sell any of my writing. I stay pretty busy. Not busy enough as I find time to write in a diary. Contrary to what it may sound like, I'm not gay.
So, look up there at the links. Press recent to get to my most recent entry. The guestbook and message board are there for some feedback. I like feedback. It makes me wiggle in ways unmentionable.
So take a look around. Don't get too shocked if you see something that, well... shocks you. And if you do get shocked, don't give me any bad looks next time you see me (assuming you see me at all). If you give me any "tsk tsk" looks, I'll be giving you a "tsk tsk" finger in return. Bet you didn't know I had a "tsk tsk" finger, did you?

1:32 a.m. - 2001-08-06


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