mychai's Diaryland Diary


A lot more information you were better off not knowing

Not too terribly much happened today, so there isn't much to tell you.

I did wake up at 7:00am so I could be at the doctor's office at 8am. Had to figure out all of those big, gooey sores popping up all over my nether regions.

Ha ha ha.


It was just a check up. I'm not like most people in that I don't mind going to the doctor's office. Especially for simple check-ups. Except that, when I tell the doc what I feel may be wrong, I feel like he's thinking, "Damn... another patient coming in here complaining. Complain, complain, complain."

So, I pretty it up.

"I've got this wonderful pain in my back. When I walk, my vertabrae sound like yummy, cherry flavored Alka-Seltzer freshly dropped into a nice glass of ice-cold water. And by the end of the day, I am soooo pleased to not be able to stand up straight, I just can't stand it!"

So, the doctor just looks at me like I'm an idiot and says something like, "Eh. Take an asprin." I told the doc last year that my back hurt worse than a casual kick to the gonads, and he said it obviously was a strained muscle -- which I knew was total B.S. because I've been having back pain for years -- and that I should take an asprin.

I told him today I was still having back pain.

Yada yada yada

I had to drop my pants and have him fondle the Big Jim and the Twins, give some blood, and pay him $10.

My back still hurts, and I still feel violated.

Oh. And the asprin didn't help.

I guess next year, when I again complain of a bad back, he'll see some sort of strange pattern emerging from my years of complaining and will do something about it.

Went shopping after my doctor's visit, came home, and crashed on the couch. It's been a very lazy day.

I bought a box of Quaker Crunchy Corn Bran cereal. It tastes pretty good, but it makes you poot. And it isn't the kind of poot you can just ignore, either.

Had to get up off the couch and go in another room. Wooooo!

Ok. I'm talking about my own flatulance. A sure sign that it is time to end the entry.

I work tomorrow morning at 5:30am. I'll be going to Indiana next week to see Lisa. Then, in two weeks, I have a date. Then, in three weeks, school starts again.

Wow. Seems like I may be getting a life.

Neh. I wouldn't get too excited.

10:08 p.m. - Fri., Dec. 28, 2001


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