mychai's Diaryland Diary


JP: From computer dork to Open Sore Boy

I forgot to mention in my last update that I am now running through a cable modem! It got installed last Wednesday at around 4:00 by this huge, scruffy guy who smelled of old, stale body odor.

I didn't really care what he smelled like, though, as I was getting a CABLE MODEM! This thing rawks my socks like you wouldn't believe. I just updated my browser -- I use Opera -- and the 11 meg download (coupled with Java. The uncoupled version is like 3 megs or so) took less than a minute. Eleven f'n megs in less than a minute!

Better watch out. My computer is getting faster than me, if you get my drift.

I've been downloading crappy 80s adult contemporary music like a mofo. I now have all of the cheesy slow-your-computer-down apps that run all of the time: webshots (yes, I know it is a fancy name for spyware. But I want pictures of "British Roadways" and abstract Jewish art, dammit!); some kind of weather bug that tells you what the weather is like outside; and the newest version of morpheus.

Now I am paranoid as all hell that I am running out of space, though my latest check had me with over 2 gigs of free space. The paranoia comes from my history of computers.

The very first computer I had didn't even have an operating system. Part of the "fun" was programming your own little operating system, programming your own little games, etc.

My second computer ran on DOS 1.x. It had two floppy drives (5.25" ones), and no hard drive. Every time you booted, you had to switch through like 5 floppies to go through the booting process. But you could play games on it: Flight Simulator (Microsoft's first one, playable in DOS), Railroad Tycoon (again, the DOS version), and all sorts of ASCI-based games.

But the games were hard to play with when you didn't have a hard drive and your screen only showed 4 colors.

My next computer had a 20 meg. hard drive. I thought I would *never* fill up 20 megs. That was... that was... 20 MILLION bytes, holybejeezus.

But it filled up pretty damned quickly. Especially with my discovery of BBS systems -- dial-up bulletain board systems that were owned by private people. Full of crappy ShareWare programs and pictures of girls in swimsuits that was enough to occupy my 13 y/o mind. Ahh, the good ol' days!

So now, every time I get a new computer or upgrade my hard drive, I am afraid I will use up all of my hard drive space. So, I usually end up keeping a spare gig or two laying about so I am sure I will never have to delete saved porn ever again.

Because, man... that's tragic.

I'm sure my downloading frenzy will settle down once I get used to racing through the Net "at the speed of thought," as the commercial stated.

In the meantime, you know you can email me, right? My email address changed. Instead of typing it out, allowing all of the Net spyders to take it and sell it to Spammers, I will just say to EMAIL ME. I don't know if the spyders will get it from there. I guess this will be an experiment.

Spring break starts today. Well, for me, it started last night. But for everyone else, it starts today. I was supposed to be heading to Chicago for a few days.

Still may... haven't completely decided. If not, I may go see Lisa. That is, if she will have me. Lisa? Hellooo?

My big problem: I have this sore that has popped up on my wrist. It is round, red, raised a bit, and white in the middle. And it itches like an f'n mofo.

I was thinking something catastrophic: lyme disease, brown recluse spider, wrist cancer... But everyone I show seems to think I am allergic to something.

Come to think of it, it popped up after I dumped that big container of basil oil all over me. It got on my watch, which I thought I cleaned thoroughly.

And when I take my watch off, it dries up and doesn't itch. When I put the watch back it, it gets better.


I just realized that you probably don't want to hear anything about my open sores. So, I'll shut it.

My mouth, that is.

Today's duties: I need to go to the school and pick up my loan reimbursement check so I will be able to eat all weekend. That's a definite plus.

I may go to Circuit City and see if I can find some neat toys. I would love to get a webcam for my room. Nooo... you won't be seeing any of my naked assness. It'll just be a fun little project to keep me occupied.

Now that I have a cable modem, I keep my AIM open all the time now. If you want, you can send me a dirty-sounding IM right here.

Oh, one last thing before I forget...

I joined this online Blogger/Diary CD Exchange. Everyone who signs up must burn 5 CDs of their favorite tunes and send them to five different people who also signed up. In return, I will be getting 5 mix CDs.

So go and sign up. The more, the merrier!

(JP NOTE: i just realized that registration has closed... Sorry. Maybe next time.)

12:00 p.m. - Fri., Mar. 22, 2002


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