mychai's Diaryland Diary


Where I been and where I will be.

Hi guys --

As you can guess, I am taking an obvious break from the diary for an indefinite amount of time.

Time. That's most of the reason. There just isn't any of it. I have school for 10 hours each day (starting at 6am). Then we have military stuff for 2 hours. And then I have to eat, iron, clean, polish things, and try to get to bed at a reasonable hour.

There isn't much time to walk all the way down to the community center to get on the net. And when I finally did do that, I saw the big, white sign that read "Net Is Down".


So, it may be a while before I can update again. Ever? Who knows. I hope so.

I'll leave you with one last story.

My mom came down to visit with her boyfriend of, oh, 2 months. I met him the first time at my graduation from BMT. He's a nice enough guy, I suppose. Rich like a mug. He did investing for a long time.

So, he took my mom on a two-week trip through Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, etc. Your typical "Old People Road Trip" trip. I doubt they stayed in hostels.

When they were on base, they wanted to go to the BX, the military base version of Wal-Mart, except everything is a little cheaper and there is no sales tax.

They went to go look at necklaces. Which is close to the colored-stoned rings. Which is close to the diamond rings.

It was at this time that my mom told me -- in the middle of the BX, while I was in uniform -- that she was going to get married.

So, it goes without saying that there is so much stress going on in my life right now that I feel like my head is about to pop.

I wonder about this whole ride called life sometimes.

11:46 a.m. - Friday, Aug. 15, 2003


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