mychai's Diaryland Diary


A little psychological observation...

Here is how you can tell the progression of your relationship by the way you close your emails:

Initial emails/"just friends" stage

You usually end your letters with just your name: "JP". Sometimes you may add something pretty neutral: "See ya... JP"

Before the first date

You start using the closing as a means of showing you are interested in more than just friends, but you still want to be safe: "See you Friday! -- JP" or "Looking forward to this weekend! -- JP"

After the first date (that went well)

You start getting cutesy with your closings... "Missing you :( -- JP" This is a gross stage to be in.

After the first date (that went poorly)

There is no closing because there is no email.

After several dates. The "dropping in" stage.

Whole sentences start to become your closing. "Missing you more than you know! -- JP" or "I can't wait to be in your arms again! -- JP"

Her things are becoming your things

A mix of the sentences, cutesy-fartsy nicknames, and the first signs of the "L" word: "Your teddy bear who misses you -- JP" and "Love, JP".

It's been six or eight months. All is well. She is chipping in for rent.

Almost always the "L" word: "Love, JP" and "I love you, JP".

He or She's the One

Jewelry has come out. Parents have been met. You've clipped her toenails. You let her paint your toenails (don't deny it). There is excitement in the love: "I love you!!! JP" and, proclaiming it to the world, "I LOVE YOU!!!!! JP"

If anywhere along this progression you break up, it goes back to the very beginning. Sample email:

Hi. Please leave a bag of my things by your door so I can swing by and pick them up. --JP

Pictures from Nuremberg coming tomorrow. Is swear. :)

1:33 p.m. - Wednesday, May. 12, 2004


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