mychai's Diaryland Diary


\"Dangly skeleton teets!\" My trip to Nuremberg in pictures...

I finally got the pictures uploaded and ready for you to see.

You know... from the Nuremberg trip from last week. You didn't forget about that, did you?

This is the train station in Frankfurt. It was just an hour trip from Kaiserslautern (where we caught the train) to Frankfurt. Frankfurt is like the New York of Germany. It is where the stock market is located, it is the central transportation hub of Germany ,and it is where all of the drug users and prostitutes hang out everywhere.

In Germany -- so I was told -- it is illegal to sell or buy drugs. It is perfectly legal to possess drugs. The drug scene was so bad near the train station that the city built rooms onto the station so users could go in, get fresh needles, and shoot up out of public eye.

Some users think that is too high class and still shoot up outside. I saw one woman loading up her needle. I thought of snapping a picture, but for some weird reason I thought doing so would be a faux pas.

We took a direct route from Frankfurt to Nuremberg, making very few stops. The scenary along the way was quite nice though rainy and gloomy. One of the differences between the Bahn (the German train company) and Amtrack -- besides being clean, constantly on time, incredibly comfortable, and supporting clientelle other than rednecks and weirdos -- is that you are responsible for getting off at your stop. Nobody comes around and wakes you up when your stop is getting near.

One of the guys at the weather squadron had to call a commander to come pick him up because he slept through Kaiserslautern and ended up somewhere in southern Germany.

We didn't get into Nuremberg until close to 10:00, but the hostel was easy to find. Notice there is still twilight in the sky at 10:00, and on the left is the city wall, not the backs of buildings. The wall was quite impressive, surrounding the entire city (which isn't small), 2-3 stories high, and quite thick. There is also a moat mote big ditch that surrounds the whole city as well. It was a town straight out of a fairytale.

The fountains range from smile-inducing to downright freaky and weird. How long do you think a statue like that would last in the States? "I'm suing the city for mental anguish due to the city fountain, and I want them to remove it because it incites violence and is indecent because it depicts dangly skeleton teets!!!"

I forget why exactly I took this picture but am glad I did. That book of pictures showing Nuremberg after the war showed this exact bridge, but it was only half there. The city took such initiative in restoring such a beautiful city.

This is me on a bridge over the moat with the town castle behind me. Because of the angle, the observation tower looks about the same hight as the castle, but it was really much taller. The tower was 30 meters high. I'd guess the castle was only about 15-20 meters.

This is a good shot showing how big everything was. The walk up to the castle was up this really steep cobblestone road. This also shows where pre- and post-WWII construction come together.

When we got to the top, a group of kids were on some kind of field trip, and they had on different little costumes. Some were knights. Some were princes. They saw me snap their picture and gave me high-fives as they passed.

When I was their age, I took a field trip to the beach.

At the top of the observation tower, you could look out and see the city of Nuremberg as it stands today. It is such a neat little town. I'm glad they didn't pack up and move after the war.

After the castle tour, we went walking through the city. A huge flea market was going on all over downtown Nuremberg. There were people everywhere selling all kinds of crap. But it was cheap crap, so it's all good. Levi nearly messed his pants when he saw this car. I'm more interested in looking at girls. But, to each his own.

They had one of those people that makes money by standing still. This guy was really good at it, and I almost walked right by without realizing he was a real boy. I put a Euro in his coin box and he bowed down at me. There ended up being a lot of people standing around watching this guy stand still, and those two girls are getting their picture taken by someone else. I don't know who they are.

Me and the N�rnB�r. I love me some N�rnB�r.

If I didn't tell you that this place was a coffee house, would you think it was a type of... um... bank? Whoever made that logo needs to get sacked.

On the morning we left, I passed a car with a funny license plate, Levi found an advertisement he wants for his room, and I found a really random place to put playground equipment.

So, that was my trip to Nuremberg. Any questions?

If you have some time on your hands and want to see a new Ford "commercial", go check this out.

If you are a fan of cats, maybe this one isn't for you...

12:20 p.m. - Fri., May 14, 2004


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